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Our current vacancies will be published here. If you feel that you qualify, please apply by email.
1: Choose your Immigration Consultant
  • Alex (EN, UA, RU)

    Portugal, Serbia

    Алексей — основатель IMIGRATA. Он опытный иммигрант, пройдя через свою первую эмиграцию из Украины в США еще в 1990. Прямо сейчас он переезжает в Португалию, которую выбрал своим новым домом. Алексей консультирует по большинству программ Португалии, а также по получению ВНЖ Сербии.

    Alex is the founder of Imigata. He is a seasoned immigrant, having moved to the USA back in the 90's. This year, he is moving to Portugal, which he chose as his new home. Alex has extensive knowledge of most immigration programs in Portugal and Serbia. Watch Alex talk about immigration in these videos:

    45 min. consultation: €70 or 5500 RUB

    https://buy.stripe.com/00g17I5wrccl5ZC150 (нероссийской картой)

    или переводом: SBERBANK 4279380035150798 (Alexey X)

    Book a consultation with Alex →

  • Polina (RU, EN, SP)

    Portugal, Spain, Montenegro, Serbia

    Полина — редактор и ведущая нашего телеграм канала и очень опытный консультант. Она разрабатывает наши испанские программы, а также знает все про португальские программы D7 и DN. Она делит время между Испанией и Россией.

    Polina is the editor of Imigrata's Telegram channel. She has extensive knowledge of immigration programs in Portugal, Spain, Serbia Montenegro. She currently resides in Russia and Spain.

    Watch Polina talk about immigration in these videos:

    45 min. consultation: €70 or 5500 RUB


    (нероссийской картой)

    или переводом: SBERBANK 4279380035150798 (Alexey X)

    Book a consultation with Polina →

  • Victoria (RU, EN)


    Вика — наш консультант по студенческим и учебным программам, а также стартап визам в Португалию. Она училась в универститете Порту и в настоящее время работает над собственным стартапом в Португалии (что не мешает ее работе в IMIGRATA). Расскажет вам всё про получение ВНЖ Португалии через учебу (мастерс программа или по курсам языка) или по стартап программе.

    Victoria is our consultant for educational programs, student visas as well as startup programs for Portugal. She studied at the University of Porto and is currently working on her startup in Lisbon, Portugal.

    45 mins consultation (startup visas or D4/education programs only): €85.00 or 6700 RUB

    https://buy.stripe.com/00gaIi3oj4JTds (нероссийской картой)

    или переводом: SBERBANK 4279380035150798 (Alexey X)

    45 mins consultation (Digital Nomad or D7 visas):

    €70.00 or 5500 RUB

    https://buy.stripe.com/00g17I5wrccl5ZC150 (нероссийской картой)

    или переводом: SBERBANK 4279380035150798 (Alexey X)

    Book a consultation with Victoria →

  • Ilya (RU, EN)


    Илья возглавляет наш португальский визовый сервис и знает практически все про португальские визы и получение ВНЖ Португалии. Конкретно к нему стоит обращаться, если вы планируете переехать по D7, DN, D3, D2 или D6.

    Он живет в Португалии с 2020 года, куда он приехал и где успешно оформил сам свой статус ВНЖ для себя и семьи.

    Ilya heads our client services for Portugal and has extensive experience with most Portuguese visa programs: D7, Digital Nomad, D3, D2 and D6.

    He has been living in Portugal for several years, and had his first successful residency case tried on his own family.

    45 mins consultation:

    €70.00 or 5500 RUB

    https://buy.stripe.com/00g17I5wrccl5ZC150 (нероссийской картой)

    или переводом: SBERBANK 4279380035150798 (Alexey X)

    Book a consultation with Ilya →

  • Pavel (RU, EN)

    Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Netherlands, UK

    Паша работает в иммиграционной сфере с 2020 года. В IMIGRATA он отвечает за разработку наших продуктов и услуг, но у него также экспертные знания по иммиграционным программам Португалии, Великобритании, Нидерландов, Испании, Сербии. С ним можно обсудить стартап программы, визы Digital Nomad, global talent UK, и другие программы для финансово независимых.

    Pavel is an experienced immigration consultant since 2020. He heads our product development at IMIGRATA, but he also knows most popular immigration programs intimately and personally handled dozens of residency and immigration cases to Portugal, UK, the Netherlands, Spain, Latvia, Slovenia and other European countries. He is an expert in startup programs, digital nomad visas, entrepreneur, self-employed programs, global talent UK, financial independence programs.

    45 mins consultation: €70.00 or 5500 RUB

    https://buy.stripe.com/00g17I5wrccl5ZC150 (нероссийской картой)

    или переводом: SBERBANK 4279380035150798 (Alexey X)

    Book a consultation with Pavel →

  • Margarita (RU)


    Margarita represents our partner company that specializes in moving to Chile though the Passive Income visa program or childbirth in Chile and getting Chilean citizenship thereafter.

    She will be happy to speak to anyone interested in moving to Chile. Consultations are free.

    45 mins consultation: FREE

    Book a consultation with Margarita →

    (please specify several time slots convenient for you)

  • Georgy (RU, EN)


    Georgy was (and continues to be) a successful Russian entrepreneur, who moved to Argentina from Moscow with his family right after the beginning of the war. In less than a year, he managed to learn Argentina's immigration processes and apply them to himself and his family, having obtained a residency. He also had his youngest daughter born in Argentina, and can help with useful information to those who plan to give birth or raise kids in Argentina. Georgy's invaluable information about immigrant's life in Argentina and how to get residency by yourself will definitely save you time and money right away!

    Watch Georgy talk about Argentina in this video:

    Argentina: a great country for life and getting residency quickly (RU)

    45 mins consultation: $90.00 or 6600 RUB

    Book a consultation with Georgy →

2: Choose Payment Method
Payment in rubles (if you pay from Russia or Belarus)
  • by direct transfer to SBERBANK card: 4279380035150798 (Alexey X)
  • please, be sure to send a payment receipt to our telegram bot https://t.me/IMIGRATA_bot

Payment in USD/EUR (when NOT paying from Russia/Belarus)
Please choose correct payment link:

Please note that all payments need to be made prior to your consultation!
3: Wait for your Zoom/Google Meet link
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